Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Brody and Malibou

So these two little guys are getting along quite wonderfully which makes me sooooooo happy :) :)
One really cute thing between them is that Malibou does not like drinking out of her water bowl, but will run all the way over to Brody's and drink out of it pretty much every time. Its really adorable :)

The two of them will occasionaly cuddle up together which is also really cute.

But the funniest is when Brody had fallen asleep and then shifted, completely forgetting that Malibou was cuddled up with him and next we just hear her mowling and Brody still oblivious and dead asleep. He's still learning.


The Mickelsens said...

They are so cute together. I love the one where he has shifted in his sleep. I bet that starting them both young like this will help them become the best of friends! How cute!

Croft said...

Absolutely darling! How fun! kaytee and I want our own little malibu! mom

the straz fam said...

Those pictures are so funny! Malibu is a really cute kitten.

Anonymous said...

I especially love the lost one because malibou is looking at you being like "you can obvisouly see me so why am i still stuck here!" haha it just made me laugh

Anonymous said...

sorry the anonyous if from kaytee